The Curiosity Approach

As you may have seen from our posts on social media & our sign on the side of the building - we have adopted The Curiosity Approach. This is an accreditation that we are now working towards that we started in mid-January.

We are the first nursery in the area to adopt this approach.

What is The Curiosity Approach?

The Curiosity Approach is more than just beautiful play spaces, it’s a modern day approach to early years that sits perfectly into current, changing, technological times, bringing curiosity, awe and wonder into early childhood and creating the ‘thinkers’ and ‘do-ers’ of the future.

The Curiosity Approach aim is to take us on a journey, helping us to revamp and develop our educational play space into a beautiful, purposeful and enabling environment, along with helping us to understand why we are doing this. We will be using authentic resources, recycled materials & loose parts, wooden items and baskets to create a natural, tranquil feel throughout the nursery.

These resources offer children the opportunity to experience nature first hand and become connected to our natural world through play. Just as importantly by recycling and re-using authentic resources, we are ensuring that we do our small bit for the environment and prevent these beautiful items going into landfill before their time.

Any spare items?

If you have anything at home that is no longer used or if it fits into what The Curiosity Approach is about such as loose parts, wooden items etc. we would be extremely grateful and you’d be helping us on our road to this fantastic accreditation. If you are a little unsure what sort of items to contribute, have a look around at what we have in place already & ask a member of staff. Thank you very much!

Want to know more?

Click the link below to find the official website for The Curiosity Approach…